Portraits by Perrin Sparks opens July 6th with the artist’s reception 5—8 pm...... read more
2007 pastel,
31" x 31" Price $ 2,000.
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2007 pastel,
21" x 25" Price $ 850.
Locating models, willing to pose for long sessions, even in a large city, can sometimes be quite a challenge. My painting group frequently would approach people we'd spot on the street with interesting faces. Unfamiliar with traditional positions assumed by seasoned models, these folks would pick some very revealing poses. This was a prime example.
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2007 pastel,
25" x 30" Price $ 1,750.
Jane Morris waas a famously beautiful and favored model of the British Pre-Raphaelites. When I first saw Jennifer, a graduate student in the Medical Illustration program, I realized she was a dead ringer for Jane. The better I got to know her, the more her personality revealed itself to be the introspective, quite individual so frequently portrayed by those 19th century artists.
They would frequently dress Jane in period cosutmes, often depicting Greek or Roman scenes. This is one of the studies for a series that was to include a variety of props such as swords, fur rugs, etc. However, Jennifer completed her thesis, and graduated before the sessions were scheduled. This was the extent to which I was able to explore my "Ode to Jane Morris".
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2007 oil on paper,
25" x 30" Price $ 3,000.
Cookie belongs to that strange breed of 'professional' models that make their way thru the circuit of painting groups and never seem to particularly relate to the process. It's simply another job, easier than waiting tables. Despite their lack of enthusiasm, usually demonstrated by a quiet, withdrawn and detached manner, their quirky characters are amply expressed by their body language which says enough all by itself.
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2007 oil on paper,
25" x 25" Price $ 750..
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2007 oil on panel,
Price $ 2,200.
This is the 2nd in a three part series exploring a pose set up by another artist, Dave Kramer. I enjoy finding my own solutions to someone else's inspiration. A frequent occurrence if painting with shared model sessions. The model remained absolutely still in this pose for several hours. This gave me the opportunity to try the 'wipe-out' technique whereby the canvas is painted a dark color and the image is 'removed' from the background.
A preliminary sketch is not possible and the paint is only pliable for several hours, after that it dries too much to allow any more to be wiped off. This necessitates primarily being done in one session.
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